Woke up body aching like some old man,and i remembered why.
I somehow didn't create a miracle yesterday,that is by reaching for vball training on time,thus having to do the extra 10 mins-per-round punishment.Adding on to the usual two rounds,i was late for like an hour,so you do the math!
Running is a love hate relationship for me,i love it cause it's a test for something called perserverence and determination.It reminds me of life,where obstacles come knocking every now and then,and you'd always feel like giving up at times.There wasn't much of the sun beating down,though you could still feel the sweltering heat encompassing your whole body.But that can't compare to the one burning inside your body,the one threatening to erupt anytime.There'd come a point,when you hear your own breathing,and feel your heart's beat,and when that happens,each huff and puff,each beat your heart takes,you feel the energy just draining from your legs.
And with all that,you won't carry on without perserverence,you can't reach the end not desiring to reach it.Just like in life,the difference between people who get what they want and people who don't is but two opposite things with a thin line drawn between.The first group?They want it badly,the latter just wants it.I'm not a sportsman,not at the moment,a true sportsman posseses both perserverence and determination.I lost them when i was in secondary school,back then this two were things i firmly believed in.I believed that so as long as i tried hard enough,so as long as i desired,i would go all out for it.Part of it was probably because of my basketball coach,my team was made up of a group of fellas who were short and couldn't even do a lay-up.She told us straight in the face,its alright if you lack aptitude,i don't care,but i believe that hard work will get you guys there,and she was right.After more than a year of nerve breaking and teeth gritting training we improved ten-fold an became a team you could reckon with.
Then i truly believed in the words wanting it badly,cause we all wanted to make the cut in basketball.But in my other area of life,it contradicted in whatever i believed in.I had a girlfriend once back in sec school,and after two years she broke off with me.Back then i knew clearly what i wanted,and back then i tried so hard,cause i believed that so as long as i tried hard enough,she'd see that burning desire in my eyes,the one that says i want you.She didn't,she crippled me and that thing i believed in,she said i was too persistent and somehow my efforts and faith crumbled away.From that day onwards,i lost this two things in my life,whenever situations that call for perserverence arises,i would step back and say let it be i'm not gonna be determined and try.Deep down i'm just so afraid,that one incident left a scar,and it reminds till today.
But all that's gotta change,i've come to realise that these two things i've lost is the most important thing in life,you've got to keep trying and that is the only way.The moment you stop trying,you truly fail.Cause the moment you don't try,there'd be no chance at all for sucess.
There is gonna come a time,when i would say "C'mon bro don't give up,you gotta try harder!" even if i can tell if the girl isn't interested to my friend when he's trying to woo a girl.Cause right now,i'd just say "Give it up"
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